DTLAvets is using a tele-health platform to improve our communication, efficiency and response times. This new system, TELEVET, creates a 2-way chat conversation that you can use on any device (mobile phone, computer, tablet). Together we can use this chat to text, exchange pictures/videos, sign forms, quickly join a video or voice call and more. [...]
Yes! Well, we recommend that every family at least consider it. And while pet insurance may not be right for every family, it’s always best to make informed choices especially when it comes to the health of your pet. To see a family’s anxiety and pain over their pet’s unexpected illness or injury is heart breaking [...]
WHAT IS FLEA-BORNE TYPHUS? Flea-borne typhus is a disease transmitted to humans by fleas infected with the bacteria Rickettsia typhi or Rickettsia felis. This disease is reported to occur worldwide. In the United States, most cases occur in Texas, California and Hawaii with an average of about 200 cases every year. THE DTLA SITUATION? Although [...]
Last month the New York Times published an article about a possible link between heart disease and grain-free diets in dogs. We thought it was important to not only address that article’s concerns but also to let our clients know how DTLAvets is evaluating our grain-free eating patients to ensure that they are not at [...]
FIRST THERE WAS H3N8 Canine Influenza virus was first reported in Florida in 2004. This strain was labelled H3N8. H3N8 probably “jumped species” into the canine population from horses. At that time H3N8 caused a few isolated outbreaks in Los Angeles county. There is a vaccine available to help protect dogs from getting sick from [...]