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The Skinny on Canine Diabetes

WHAT? Diabetes mellitus is caused by a lack of insulin. Insulin is the vehicle that “drives” glucose into the cells of the body. Without insulin the cells of the body will starve even if there is plenty of glucose (energy) in the bloodstream. WHY? Diabetes mellitus in dogs is similar to type 1 diabetes in [...]

(De)Evolution of Felines

Many of our domesticated felines have evolved from living primarily outdoors to a cushier indoor lifestyle.  And with this switch has come some definite benefits.  Indoor cats tend to live longer.  Their owners are much more aware of their health and habits and are therefore able to bring them to the veterinarian for preventative care [...]

Welcome Dr Hu!!!

Take a look at some pics from our Welcome Soiree for our newest family member, Dr Gloria Hu.  Dr Hu’s signature drink (champagne and San Germaine) was a hit!  Thank you all who came out to welcome her and spend the evening with us.  

Heal Your Pet With Laser Therapy

DTLAvets is proud to now offer Laser Therapy to our patients. This non-invasive, rapid and soothing modality is used as part of the treatment protocol for acute conditions like ear infections, muscle strains and wound healing as well as more chronic conditions like osteoarthritis and disc disease. How does it work? The laser light is [...]

FIV - Feline Immunodeficiency Virus

  Feline immunodeficiency virus, often known as the feline form of HIV, can sound pretty ominous. Actually most FIV cats who are not showing signs of their disease can live long lives.  Of course early screening and prevention are invaluable, but knowledge can help you give your FIV-positive cat a longer, happier life.  Read on…. [...]